Primary Colors

Yes, Devin chose that cheesy,if appropriate title. I was feeling so good about blogging in the new year. And then I got the flu again. This time is was a different kind of flu. And by different, I mean the kind that leaves you ten pounds lighter. Ahem. Well, on to more pleasant things. I wanted to share this great coat rack that I found on clearance at Anthropologie. We both have an insane number of coats and jackets,plus grocery bags,etc., so additional hanging space was really needed. Plus,it's more immediate than where we normally hang our coats,which (hopefully) will help us resist the urge to pile everything on a dining room chair.

As you can see, the kitchen is bright yellow and white. Recently, red has become a regular accent color. I hope to share some more of the red in my kitchen,including another great Anthro clearance item.

I also wanted to share some of the handmade that was given this Christmas. Outside of my jewelry Hannah was the recipient of the most. This is the collage I gave her for her new apartment:

One of her other requests was for coasters that "look like your stuff". I was a little pressed for time and experimentation,so I actually used these with my own images. Here is one of them:

We enjoyed a big day out today, mostly full of fun for Ramona. Getting lots of attention while we make a return to JCrew, running off leash, hiking,and the dog park. Needless to say she's pooped. We're a little pooped too. Nose to the grindstone tomorrow,though because I have some sweet items for Valentine's Day to show you.


Jessica said...

I love your shadow box, you create such great items. Happy new year!

kathy said...

i love the red and yellow together! and i know exactly what you mean about lots of coats, it's like a thrift store in the back hallway of our house :)

and your doggie is too adorable, ramona? is that her name, awww!

Anonymous said...

Love the red rack against the bright yellow. So bright & happy.