I'm it!

Jessica tagged me last week. It's taken me awhile to reply but here goes...

The Rules:

1. Link to your tagger (see above), and also post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself (random or weird) on your blog.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog.

So, it appears some random facts are in order.
1. I was married in San Francisco's city hall. The photographer was our witness. We had lunch afterwards at the Asian Museum. That evening we went to SFMOMA and ate dinner at Millennium. This is one of my favorite pictures:

2. I used to be an opthalmic assistant. I was pretty good at it and it was really interesting, but the medical field is not so much for the creative types. Also, I was really squeamish in surgery.

3.I've been the nanny off and on for a wonderful family for the past 3 years. I love them so much They are now expecting their 6th child. I actually find it way easier an more interesting to nanny for a big family than just one child. Here's the sad princess:

4. I don't make my bed. Actually, I do sometimes, but I have a hard time getting in to the habit. I really love when the bed is made, it makes me feel all organized and together. I can make it for days and days and then poof! one day the habit has disappeared. Good habits are really hard to start. This reminds me of a Mitch Hedberg quote. "People who smoke cigarettes, they say "You don't know how hard it is to quit smoking." Yes I do. It's as hard as it is to start flossing."

5. I love Mitch Hedberg. I'm not really a stand up comedy kind of a girl, but he makes me laugh so much. I found out that he had died when a band opening for Bob Dylan in Chicago dedicated a song to him. We were in the highest possible seats. I literally had vertigo. I kept thinking I must have heard them wrong, but sadly, I had not.

6. I have a very recent obsession with potato chips on sandwiches. Mostly jalapeno or salt and pepper. I'm not sure how I went to long without fully appreciating this. I'm thinking it's kind of like vegetarian bacon.

7.For two and half years, we were tough dog owners. Ok,not so much tough, but we did follow the no dogs in bed rule. Then, one night, Devin had trouble sleeping and he went and got Ramona. That was that. We really get so much pleasure out of having her there, that we keep asking each other how we managed for so long without her. I mean how did we resist this face:

I've waited so long to do this, that it seems like everyone has already been tagged. So, I'm tagging just three:




1 comment:

Jessica said...

Thanks for playing!! One of my favorite things that my cat sleeps with us, it is hard to imagine life with out our little companions!